Sunday, September 11, 2011

Kalau isteri sehebat pelacur, suami pula bagaimana?

Panjang lebar juga Dr Mashitah membebel dengan Fitri di TV3 dulu. Sudah menjadi dasar kebanyakan pertubuhan pro atau anti kerajaan mengutuk kenyataan kelab isteri taat, KIT. Pihak rare macam blogger aje yang ramai sokong.

Entahlah. Statement ni kalau buat secara skema, macam: isteri mesti melayan suami dengan penuh ghairah, atau ayuh panaskan ranjang anda dengan posisi baru, seperti dalam majalah wanita tu, dia punya kesan tak ada umph!

Bila buat statement mencabar minda seperti Isteri mesti layan suami seperti pelacur kelas atasan, dia punya 'makan dalam' tu bergegar sampai ke parlimen, ke paper perdana, sampai dibahaskan oleh Dr Mashitah sendiri secara live.

cursingmalay dah explain macam mana cara pelacur kelas atasan layan pelanggan dia. cikgeli pun dah tambah sikit sebanyak. Lagipun, kalau korang tonton video lucah hitam putih di GAP pun korang boleh tau. Tapi takkanlah sampai nak tengok video lucah, ye dak. Dr Mashitah kata, benda ni naluri. Jadi benda-benda naluri ni boleh tahu sendiri hatta beruk pun tahu macam mana nak beromen takkanlah kome lebih bodoh daripada beruk tak tau plug tu nak pasang tang mana, kan?

Tak ada lagi seorang suami mengadu ke pakar peranakan bahawa isteri dia tak boleh mengandung dan apabila ditanya oleh pakar tersebut bagaimana sebenarnya mereka melakukan seks, suami itu dengan bangangnya menucuk plug kepunyaan ke ketiak isterinya menyangka itu cara betul untuk buat seks.

Adik-adik kecil yang rasa tersinggung sila tutup browser ni sekarang ya. Ini bahan bacaan orang dewasa.

Sinilah point aku nak masuk. Benda naluri ni, selain aktiviti reproduction seperti seks, contoh lain adalah makan. Makan ni naluri, baby panda pun tahu cari puting ibu dia isap susu. Tapi, kita kena tahu manusia ni taraf mulia. Makan dia ada seni, ada adap, ada cara, ada tomakninah dia. At least baca doa.

Begitu juga dengan hubungan intim. Ada game dia, ada thrill dia, ada adap dia, ada stylo masing-masing yang buat benda tu hangat. Sebab manusia ni imaginasi akan hidup dan quest itu kompleks, justeru proses melaksanakan sebarang pekerjaan mereka jadi berseni. Bukan main celup saja macam kambing.

Mungkin demi mahu menyelesaikan kes laki makan luar, kelab isteri taat pun buat satu cadangan iaitu para isteri mesti tingkatkan kecekapan mereka di ranjang. Sebolehnya sampai mencapai level pelacur kelas atasan, professional. Janganlah anggap KIT ni suruh kome jadi sebijik macam pelacur tunggu laki pakai skirt pendek, blaus ketat, kaler kuku warna gelap tunggu depan pintu. Tunggu laki balik kerja.

"Pciitt... pcciiitt... bang, oo, bang... masuk bang. 30 hinggit aje."

Dia umpan laki sendiri depan lif flat nak naik rumah ala-ala pelacur. Bayangkan si isteri itu tahap makcik-makcik. Peh, pengsan.

Ramai yang bangkang statement ni termasuk Dr Mashitah sendiri aku lihat sebab sensitiviti dan tak faham konteks teguran itu setakat mana. Lalu membebellah dia menghurai keistimewaan isteri, adab2 isteri, taraf mulia wanita dalam islam bla bla bla...


KIT tegur tu untuk tajuk beromen saja, tak masuk hal-hal lain. Start buka baju, sampailah mandi bersama. Itu aje. Yang kome rasa nak jadi pelacur 24 jam tu apsal. Isteri yang baik, apabila tiba time stim dia akan jadi harimau. Dia jadi buas macam beruang, gitu. Turun aje dari katil terus bertukar semula jadi sopan santun, ayu, mengaji Quran, waras dan berbudi bahasa.


Walaubagaimanapun, bila orang duk fokus pada isteri, si suami pula nak kena jadi macam mana? Takkan bertepuk sebelah tangan ja?

Nak kata abang ni suami baik, tak juga. Abang ni dalam apa-apa hal sangat sederhana aje. Tapi tak salah kalo kita kongsi teori-teori yang selalu terapung-apung dalam otak kita tanpa kita ada kudrat untuk apply. After all, this is free country, take what you like, leave what you don't.

Dr Mashitah kata kalau sayang bini, nak suruh bini prepare diri sedap-sedap, wangi-wangi, seksi-seksi untuk layan laki, maka si laki itu perlu cari maid. Ha, yang ni I dont like. Abang tak berapa nak setuju. Tak percaya aku suggestion macam ni keluar dari minda dia. Somi keje Engineer, wife keje jadi House Manager, kira fair la tu. Segala aktiviti luar kerja bergantung pada kretiviti dan kesungguhan sendiri. Tak boleh jadikan alasan kerja bila buat taik atas katil.

Jadi, nasihat abang untuk bakal suami, atau untuk bakal isteri agar nanti dapat nasihatkan cik abang korang agar jadi suami terbaik untuk korang. Jadilah suami yang:

1) menten kesihatan. The best, kekalkan bisep dan six packs. Suami yg menten sihat, akan menten tenaga. Fizik sihat adalah ramuan utama untuk kesihatan mental, psikologi, hati dan iman. Acara ranjang itu mkn kacang aje.

1.5) Jangan dibiar kegagahan kita layu sebelum isteri kekejangan. Skill mesti tip top, ekselen.

2) Badan sihat tapi berlagak tak guna. Suami mesti cool, bijaksana, tenang dan berkesan. Fikiran mesti sentiasa sharp, waras dan mempunyai intelek yang dikagumi para isteri. Kalau isteri mula rasa suami bodoh dan bebal, masalah besar tu.

3) suka jamah isteri. cuit. peluk. cium. full body massage atau tantra massage. Give them 1st class spa atau massage center. Nak jadi fish terapi pun boleh. Gigit-gigit gitu.

"Abang! ikan gigit kaki aje lah, abang gigit sampai ke lutut ni napee..."

4) suka bercerita. jangan biarkan bumi melengkapkan satu pusingan orbit (24jam) tanpa ada sesi penceritaan.

5) pendengar tip top. cuma dengar tanpa komen yg kononnya membina. tak payah, buang masa aje beri penyelesaian sbb orang pompuan bila dia membebel, merungut, dia bukan nak dengar jawapan spesifik yang berkesan tetapi dia nak tengok kita concern ke dia ke tak. Itu aje. Bahkan, jawapan efektif selalunya offended. Makin dia terasa, lalu mengamuk. Kita yang rasa bangga dapat beri penyelesaian bijaksana tiba-tiba lihat penyelesaian itu diamuk oleh bini, pasti akan rasa cis!

6) Suami mesti faham bahasa NLP isteri, bahasa tanpa kata. Bahasa badan, isyarat, bahasa tersirat pada renungan mata, pinggul, bahasa period, bahasa garis-garis di wajah isteri. Perempuan ni halus, kdg2 terlalu artistik. Jarang yg suka ckp direct, ramai yang suka berlapik, kadang keterlaluan.

"It is ok, ayang naik tren aje."

Dia cakap okey, tapi muka semacam aje. Senyum pun tak jadi. Orang lelaki selalu pegang verbal statement, lantas mengabaikan nonverbal statement secara sengaja. Dia tahu bini dia tu cakap aje okey, tapi tak okay sebenarnya. Tapi sebab dia malas nak pick up bini dia sebab sibuk nak gi Bukit Jalil tengok red warrior, dia abaikan nonverbal sign tu, lantaklah dia. Dia sendiri cakap dia okey, kan?

No please. Nonverbal statement org perempuan mengatasi verbal statement diorang sebanyak 5 kali ganda. Kalau dia cakap 'ayang tak kisah' dengan wajah sedikit kelat (amat sedikit yg kalau somi agak bebal takkan perasan), bermakna dia kisah 5 kali ganda.

Kalau awek korang ckp I tak kisah tak dapat birthday gift pun. Dan kalau betul-betul korang tak kasi. 7 keturunan dia akan ingat. Ingat perempuan bukan fakta, tapi emosi, so watch out diorang punya nonverbal expressions.

7) Berikan dia kehidupan terbaik. Sometimes, benda yang nak kita marahkan bukan originated daripada kehendak dia. Mungkin family, background, persekitaran, keadaan, mentaliti, dan kelemahan azali makhluk bernama manusia. Tak berbaloi untuk beri tekanan perasaan dan mendinginkan diri dengan niat 'perang', atau membalas dendam psikologi. Just be positive. Kita ada amanah, dan amanah itu perlu kita berikan kepada yang hak. Berikan hak isteri korang untuk mendapat suami terbaik.

8) Berikan annual leave atau off untuk House Manager korang. Beri dia hari untuk dia bebas, break away sekejap dari kerja-kerja rutin dia.

9) Cium dia sebaik bangkit tidur.

10) Cintai dia sepenuh hati. Nescaya dia akan cintai kita sepenuh jiwa. Dan nescaya dia tak akan teragak-agak untuk beri kebenaran kepada korang andai timbul keperluan nanti untuk korang kahwin lagi seorang.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

When I Grow Up

When I Grow Up.... I want To Be A Merc Mata Belalang.........

Saturday, September 3, 2011

" Saya Sebuah Blog "

"I love my country, only do i hate the slobs who lead it to - Astray"

Saya dilahirkan di sebuah minda yang tidak mahu dipenjara. Oh, puitis sungguh. Saya berumur, ermm, biar saya kira.. satu, dua, ah sape pedulik. Tuan saya seorang yang penyayang lagi berkaki lebar, err maksud saya, berkaliber. Kami gemar menghabiskan masa lapang kami dengan menonton Cerekarama dan juga termenung di tasik-tasik sambil mencari ilham untuk meng-pinpoint dunia. Tuan saya mempunyai suatu persepsi yang sangat berbeza tentang dunia, sekurang-kurangnya saya fikir begitu.

Setelah hampir xx tahun kami bersama, saya mulai terasa perubahan-perubahan terhadap layanan yang saya terima, kami tidak lagi makan semeja seperti dulu-dulu. Malahan adakalanya beliau juga bertindak kejam dengan meniggikan suara beliau terhadap saya.

Raizzen's Note of Oblivious :

I cant proceed, the more i do, the more the seeming puke would seem inevitable. Its just that i've just suddenly stumbled upon the cluster of my primary school memories, in which, this nature of writing is my favourite and my advantage.. or so i would like to think. Notice how the end of this type of composition will typically be the demise of the narrator. How childish, LOL.

Oh, reminiscence is schweet.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Oh, I'm Messed Up and So ?

Saya rasa macam banyak gila nak blog but then again i don't know what to write even, pissed, fucked, smirked, smirking, feeling a throne atop, feeling stuck in the deep pit of the Shallows and the dark dungeon of the Dimwitteds. Oh fuck, holy fuck.

" Hey You, stop rubbing yer feet against mine, coz if you think the otherwise, im so gonna prove you the total opposite of the otherwise. I'll rape ya bitch, and im not gonna be your boyfriend, ever ! "

Yati leaves some flowery marks in the mind of the sickness of mine, how shallow ever. Being a darling she is.

Oh shoot im fuckin horny. And fuck you, fuck you assholes, now here taste some of this.. * mid fingers *

And yes yer welcomed, dont let me see yer fuckin face again bitch. Yes you, yea you. Fuck you.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


tatau nak taip ape lagi..anyways yang aku post seme tu dalam diari aku... maklom laa baru open blog kan... jadi aku post je kan balik le... senang... bukan ape..nak membanyakkan ape yang aku taip dalam ni... ari ni dah ahri kedua berhari raye... ape ape pon..aku ucapkan sir lump mud harry ray year and maaf zay hari dan bar ten pada seme umat islam yang ada dalam muka bumi ini....aku tatau ape lagi nak aku luahkan dalam blog ni... mcm babi idea at all...

what the hecks....

The Deadlock Post.

Well its quite a renowned institution.

Am so hoping that I'll get this deal. I've reached the point here, where enough is just enough. Am given a task too many with all of them tagged - URGENT!!

So tell me how the hell do I prioritize ?

Sales reports on its monthly basis is as is busy as it is. Its a practice full of running high and low just to get the sales' figures of 150 (and still counting) something outlets tabulated - and oh, not to mention ACCURATELY, from a few different sources namely - The System & The People.

Good Lord, when you combine these forces and confront them on your own, the result is genocide. The system relies heavily on the availability of the network and albeit the human factor, so it still pretty much boggles down to the reliant of human perps. Plus the flaws that are seemingly forever make it even merrier.

And when it all seems lost.. Well, you're just gonna lose even more.

Relying on human - the so called retailers, to submit their sales figures to us so that we could charge them on Royalty basis and rentals. How luvly do you think that is ? Granted, there are a few good natured retailers who submit their sales figures on time and didn't twist and turn the figure here and there to their likings. How many of them do you think even exist in the world ? Well chances are as slim as Anne Roxias going on hunger strike.

So now sum it up to complete just a report. And multiply the life-draining efforts to a quadruple of times. What you get is an even more comprehensive weekly sales basis. Single handedly engineered by our new Senior General Manager (SGM). Lovely character, really. So now you do the same exact runs, only just 4 times the effort. INsignificant if you ask me. No am not lying, you bitch !

There you go. Now come the ownership of Point of Sales (POS) machine that I was entrusted with as the guardian. Some people, as loads of them hover over the corporate atmosphere, they would say that its just a matter of sending the retailers the form, get them to fill in all the blanks, deliver the system, bill them accordingly - and zoom your work is done. You score an A. Easy fucks.

If you would just take your time to notice, pause for a bit - Play all the actions again, backwards. What you get in betweens are -

* Getting the retailers to reach me, which if ever a kucing is gonna have tanduk, maybe they would, or as has become the standard practice, I have to reach them over, rub their shoulders and hand them the forms.
* Contact them should they fail to resubmit the thing.
* Coordinate the placement of how many POS for how many tenants.
* Knowing the exact geographical coordinate of their outlet's location - lest they would have an outlet on top of Mt. Everest and having problems connecting with KLIA's VLAN.
* Coordination work and liaising with respective departments, who are yet to fall short on staff when the time requires them most.
* The ever so tangled means of billing and;
* a few hundred thousand over etcetras more.

Well that is all.

Then come the less twisted scopes, credit control dicks and pussies. The special SM and SGM's office culprits. And a few more that I might have forgotten to mention, which I am terribly sorry of but still fuck you any any ways. Those are the less twisted works, days when I emphasize on those job is the most luvly, so luvlyI could go back home as early as 8.oo PM. Nevermind that it's exceeded 3 hours after the real balik time. But who cares. Those who went back, and me - We are 2 sides of the same coin. We may work under the same roof but am sorry am not your ordinary Joe Breadwinner. Yea right.

So there goes my 2 millions, hence spare your 2 cents if you're planning on a donation spree. Am just tired.. Sometimes I feel like its pointless. They all are. Everyday is another cycle of struggles and pressures. Rarely that I complete one job in a day and move to another one. Instead I juggle everything simultaneously and continue them the next day. So instead of a job settled and another one in progress, its two jobs delayed - since EVERYTHING is urgent.

And the fact that our company has been denied staffs recruitment makes it even more frustrating and surely the light that was seemingly bright at the end of the tunnel, now are no more than a mere few light matches survival - on a pitch black night.

Its noteworthy to say that I do love my job. I love the people, SOME of the colleagues, the environment, the experiences, the chances and the faith that my superiors have given me despite a few of my hiatus(es). The company is nurtured with a good working culture, well the department at least. But its just the point in life, I like to think that everybody have at least one of this point. A point so burdening that motivation is often a distant of home away. Scarce.

Is this goodbye ?

A Hi Too Far..

Current Listen: Estrella - Ternyata.mp3

I just got back from Terengganu with my brother family. Hell, interesting as it was tiring. Roller costing emotional ride highs and lows in a matter of a few days.

It was damn fun alrite, laughters and giggles here and there. The snorkeling is one of the most sexciting experience I've yet to encounter. The friends we made. The beach footballs. The cigs. The ______.

But here's the thing, I met this girl, erm not exactly meet but I first saw her when we were ferrying to Redang and I caught her staring, stealing a peek myself. She was sweet alrite. Trying to hide the fact that she was staring. Lovelily adorable. I'm in love. I brushed away all the probabilities. But its OK, we've got all the friggin time in the whole wide world. So why rush.

Things worked their says in a very mysterious way. Thus making matters lovelier, she stayed at the right opposite of our room with her family. I caught her stare, yet again. I was juggling a ball. Football, you faggots, not mine and I think she was smiling, I was too busy juggling both the ball and my fragile 'cool' front - my sibuk kakak ipar nonchalantly went like "Checking out chicks eh ?". Sibuk minah ni. Serius. It was brief, But I was sure she smiled at me. And I never got the chance to smile back, too busy minding the busy bodies around. Brief though it was, I think its Spring again.

From thereon, there we were, playing Illusive Obvious, Peek & Hide between us. After the dinners, the breakfasts and the swimming sessions that were organized for the families. I came to be close with her brother. And after a few beach football and smokes together, I think it was time for me to move. So we went out. Me, the brother and his sisters and a younger brother and my brother - looking for memorabilias of our Redang experience. From one shop to another. We were walking shoulder to shoulder and the gap proved to be too far. I couldn't find a tiny inch of space for me to open up and approach up until she was sitting a few distance away from me. We were finally, painstakingly - alone. The others were busy probing the shop's items. And there I was too, busy sorting out the wars in my head. Hence not a single Hi.

Procrastination Zam. Procrastination.

Its OK - I thought to myself, again. I'll get her digits on our ferrying trip when we go back. Just to find out later when I was hanging with out with her brother that they were ferrying back to Kuala Terengganu at the first sight of a ferry at six tomorrow. Huge, enormous I-D-I-O-T blocks fall over my head. And there I was..

Damned - And a Hi too far.

arghhhh if my girl knows abt will kill me..hahahahaha....
thanks god..i still love my girlfriend... and anyway its just a trip...not planning at all...douggg.... men... u knows wat i mean right...always playin around...